貯藏前熱水處理對‘珍珠拔'和‘水晶拔'番石榴果實採收後生理、品質及貯藏壽命之影響 Effect of Prestorage Hot Water Treatments on the Post-harvest Physiology, Quality and Storage Life of 'Jen-Ju Bar' and 'Shui-Jing Bar' Guava Fruit (Psidium guajava L.)
白鶴芋‘綠巨人’與黃金萬年竹在不同鐵濃度下之生長反應 Growth Response of Spathiphyllum 'Sensation' and Dracaena sanderiana 'Celica' to Iron Concentration
氣溫與根溫對開運竹生長與發根之影響 Effects of Air and Root Temperatures on Growth and Rooting of Dracaena sanderiana 'Virens'
離水時間對非洲菊切花呼吸、乙烯生成、離子滲漏及瓶插壽命之影響 Effects of Dehydration Time on Respiration, Ethylene Production, Electrolyte Leakage and Vase Life of Cut Gerbera Flowers
低溫滅菌、果膠分解酵素與吸附性樹脂處理對金柑全果系果汁品質之影響 Quality Changes of Comminuted Kumquat (Fortunella margarita Swingle) Juice during Pasteurization, Pectinase, and Adsorbant Resin Treatments
即飲式高機能性苦瓜飲料之製備與貯存 Preparation and Storage of Functional Instant Bitter Melon Juice