中文摘要 |
黃熟之長實金柑經研磨榨汁後,經90℃加熱30秒滅菌,造成果汁之水溶性果膠增加、螯合性果膠及鹼溶性果膠減少、類胡蘿蔔素含量減少、混濁度增加、黏度增加、色澤等品質因子顯著之改變。將鮮榨金柑果汁500mL分別添加Pectinex Ultra SP-L和Citrozym Cloudy-L酵素液各0.1%處理後,顯示果膠酵素處理可以增加果汁中的可溶性固形物及總不溶性固形物含量、黏度降低、水溶性蛋白質含量明顯減少、及色澤改變等。金柑果清,分別加入不同量(1g、2g、3g,乾重)之Amberlite XAD-16樹脂及Amberlite XAD-7HP樹脂,以分析兩種樹脂對去除金柑果汁內苦味物質之能力及對果汁品質之影響,分別以3g/100g XAD-16樹脂及XAD-7HP樹脂處理含檸檬苦素16.6mg/L之金柑果清60min,約可去除80-90%之檸檬苦素,且仍保有果汁相似之品質。
Quality characteristics of comminuted kumquat (Fortunella margarita Swingle) juice were analyzed both before and after Pasteurization. Heat treatment resulted in significant differences on some of the physical or chemical properties of kumquat juice. Two pectinases were added into the juice for decrease the viscosity; however, it also made juice quality changed at the same time. The major bitter material in kumquat juice is limonin. The bitter taste plays one of the most important roles on the acceptability of kumquat juice. For the purpose of decrease the content of limonin in juice, adsorbant resins were used to descend the limonin content below the threshold as well as kept a relative good quality of juice. |