國立屏東大學學報:教育類 Journal of National Pingtung University. Education |
202404 (8期)期所有篇 |
- 大學英語兼任教師對於以案例分析作為教師專業學習策略之看法 Exploration of College EFL Adjunct Faculty’s Perspectives of Case Analysis for Professional Learning
- 心智圖融入技術型高中電子學課程對學生學習動機及學習成就之影響 The Effects of Mind Map into Vocational High School Electronics Courses on Student’s Learning Motivation and Learning Achievement
- 以腦適能觀點的桌遊科際整合式課程之行動研究──以美美國民小學為例 Action Research on the Interdisciplinary Integrated Curriculum of Tabletop Games from the Perspective of Brain Fitness-Take Meimeimin Primary School as an Example
- 幼兒園初任教師自我情緒調節與成長之歷程 The Process of a Preschool Novice Teachers’s Emotional Self-Regulation and Self-Development