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The Process of a Preschool Novice Teachers’s Emotional Self-Regulation and Self-Development
本文探討我自2017年踏入幼教職場,成為一位初任代理教師,至2019年考取公立幼兒園期間,情緒調節與成長的歷程。透由敘說式的行動研究,以Gross(1998)所提出重新評價、壓抑、分心之情緒調節策略,搭配吳亭儀等人(2011)的覺察情緒、接納情緒、表達情緒三個步驟,並加入批判諍友建議,使用理性情緒行為治療法ABCDE理論,及非理性信念(Ellis, 1984)加以批判駁斥,尋找合適的情緒調節策略。見證我從第一年,嘗試覺察情緒,並將其如實記錄,同時在搜索文獻的過程中,了解初任教師的困境,並透過研習、教師社群等方式,提升專業素養,卻未有顯著成效。第二年加上資深協同教師的協助,持續運用省思札記,透由諍友回饋以覺察情緒,同時,加入Ellis理性情緒行為治療理論,與非理信信念進行分析。直至一次意外的流產,身心雖達到崩潰邊緣,卻因此展現強韌的覺察與醒悟,擁有「與悲傷面對面」的勇氣,這讓我體現心隨境轉,到境隨心變的蛻變。
This article explores my emotional regulation and growth from 2017 when I first entered the preschool education field as a novice substitute teacher, until 2019 when I qualified for a position at a public kindergarten. Through narrative action research, I utilized emotional regulation strategies such as reappraisal, suppression, and distraction proposed by Gross (1998), combined with Wu's et al. (2011) three-step process of recognizing, accepting, and expressing emotions. I also incorporated suggestions from critical friends and used the ABCDE theory of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and the critique of irrational beliefs (Ellis, 1984) to find appropriate emotional regulation strategies. My journey began with attempting to recognize emotions and record them accurately during my first year, while exploring the challenges faced by novice teachers through literature review and enhancing professional competency through workshops and teacher communities, yet without significant success. In the second year, with the help of experienced co-teaching peers, I continued to use reflective journals and feedback from critical friends to recognize emotions. I also integrated Ellis's Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and analyzed irrational beliefs. An unexpected miscarriage pushed me to the brink of collapse, yet it also revealed my resilience in recognizing and realizing emotions, giving me the courage to ''face grief head-on.'' This experience led to a transformation where my mind shifted with circumstances and eventually, circumstances transformed with my mindset.
起訖頁 125-155
關鍵詞 生命敘說初任教師情緒調節Life NarrativeNovice TeachersEmotion Regulation
刊名 國立屏東大學學報:教育類  
期數 202404 (8期)
出版單位 國立屏東大學
該期刊-上一篇 以腦適能觀點的桌遊科際整合式課程之行動研究──以美美國民小學為例




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