科儀新知 Instruments Today |
201912 (221期)期所有篇 |
- 加速規與溫度感測器 Accelerometer and Temperature Sensor
- 工業4.0與智慧製造的關鍵技術:工業物聯網與人工智慧 The Critical Technologies of Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing: Industrial Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence
- 機械工廠內之異質機臺連網整合與應用 Integration of Heterogeneous Machines and Its Applications in a Machining Factory
- 強化學習應用於深孔機加工參數優化 Optimization of Machining Parameters of EDM Using Reinforcement Learning
- 工業用機器人控制技術簡介 Introduction to Industrial Robot Control Technology
- 工具機主軸熱變位預測技術 Thermal Displacement Prediction Technology of Machine Tool Spindle
- 航太零件難削材之智慧製造技術 Techniques of Intelligent Manufacturing for Difficult-to-cut Material Applied in Components of Aerospace Industry
- 應用於晶圓級氣體感測器之高效能點測設備開發 Development of a Probing Equipment with High Throughput for Wafer-based Gas Sensors