科儀新知 Instruments Today |
201806 (215期)期所有篇 |
- 結合政府開放資料集於建構開業選址決策支援系統--以店址當地消費能力與鄰近產業特性觀點 Combing the Government Open Datasets to Build the Location Selection Decision Support System–The Local Consumption Ability and Neighboring Industries Perspectives
- 高效能分散式深度學習系統之效能量測與分析技術 Performance Measurement and Analysis Techniques for High-Performance Distributed Deep Learning Systems
- 視覺式行人偵測追蹤技術之發展 The Development of Vision-based Pedestrian Detection and Tracking Technology
- 結合機器視覺與深度學習之金屬圓柱表面缺陷檢測系統 Machine Vision and Deep Learning Based Defect Inspection System for Cylindrical Metallic Surface
- 災害應變:基於人工智慧之群體陸海空及水下機器人 Disaster Response: Artifi cial Intelligence in Swarm Ground, Surface, Aerial and Underwater Robot
- 淺談人工智慧系統的隱私資訊安全保護機制 Introduction to Privacy-preserving Mechanisms for Artifi cial Intelligent Systems
- 顯微光譜即時監控極化膜片灰階漂白技術之建立以及應用於二維極化元件製作 Fabrication of Micro Polarization Optics Device by Laser Bleaching and Study of Its Characterization by Microspectrophotometer