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The Development of Vision-based Pedestrian Detection and Tracking Technology
作者 胡啟恩郭雅諒王元凱
現今人工智慧受到高度矚目與快速發展,電腦視覺身為其中之關鍵技術也已成為許多研究及應用的焦點,而隨著智慧型視訊監控與無人駕駛自動車的快速發展,以電腦視覺方法進行影像視訊中的行人偵測與追蹤,更成為一個重要而關鍵的技術。行人追蹤與行人偵測在電腦視覺研究上為兩項不同的技術,但是兩者在應用面卻有十分緊密的關係。近幾年因深度學習的崛起,行人偵測正確率有顯著的進步,也使得行人追蹤有更好的效果。本文將詳細介紹行人偵測追蹤技術,包括行人偵測與行人追蹤技術的發展,並介紹在線多物件追蹤系統之技術內容。 As of today, Artificial Intelligence has gained a lot of attention and is currently being developed rapidly. As one of the key technologies, Computer Vision has become the focal point of many researches and applications, due to the rapid development of pedestrian detection and tracking methods used in Intelligent Surveillance Systems and Self-driving Cars. Pedestrian detection and tracking are two different technologies, yet inseparable when used in applications. Due to the rise of deep learning, pedestrian detection has made great progress in accuracy, which also has driven the improvement of pedestrian tracking. In this paper, we in detail go through the introduction of pedestrian detection and tracking technologies, including the development of both technologies, and also the introduction of online multiple object tracking systems.
起訖頁 34-45
刊名 科儀新知  
期數 201806 (215期)
出版單位 財團法人國家實驗研究院台灣儀器科技研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 高效能分散式深度學習系統之效能量測與分析技術
該期刊-下一篇 結合機器視覺與深度學習之金屬圓柱表面缺陷檢測系統




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