科儀新知 Instruments Today |
201712 (213期)期所有篇 |
- 變臉:醫學美容整形模擬影像技術 Face Off: Intelligent Computer Vision Based Simulation Technology of Facial Plastic Surgery
- 人體姿勢偵測系統與無監督辨識學習 A Sensing System of Human Postures and Its Unsupervised Learning of Pattern Recognitions
- 呼吸量測裝置之簡介 Introduction to Respiratory Measurement Devices
- 半導體場效式生化感測元件 Semiconductor-Based Field-Effect Device for In-Vitro Biomolecular Sensing
- 發展電動力學微流體晶片應用於快速檢驗登革熱感染 Development of Electrokinetic Microfl uidic Biochips for Rapid Screening of Dengue Infection
- 電化學式連續監控型葡萄糖生物感測器之發展 Development of Electrochemical Biosensors for Continuous Glucose Monitoring
- 機械工程與臨床需求的對話--以生物力學為例 When Mechanical Engineers Meet Unmet Clinical Needs
- 3D列印技術應用於臨床醫療技術發展 3D Printing Implementation in Clinical Development
- 可調式共焦系統應用於透明物件厚度量測 Thickness Measurement of Transparent Target Using A Confocal Sensor
- 臨場液態腔體電子顯微鏡於奈米氫氣泡成長動態觀測之應用 In Situ Liquid Cell TEM Applied on the Observation of Hydrogen Nanobubble Growth Dynamics