中文摘要 |
葡萄糖生物感測器是發展最成熟的生技產品之一,主要被廣泛應用於血糖監控、生物反應槽內細胞活性評估與飲料工業等領域,其中以糖尿病治療與人體血糖監控為最主要的應用。連續型的血糖監控(continuous glucose monitoring,CGM)感測器為近年來葡萄糖感測技術之發展趨勢,相較於傳統的自我血糖檢測,CGM能減輕糖尿病患者扎針取血之苦,即時性地提供更完整的血糖訊息供醫生診斷。電化學CGM感測器可被分為侵入式與非侵入式之電極設計,侵入式CGM感測器主要採用針狀電極,刺入到皮下組織或是靜脈血管中,量測體內(in vivo)組織液或是血液中的葡萄糖;非侵入式CGM感測器則主要是量測排出體外的體液如尿液、唾液或是淚液中的葡萄糖,或是利用反向離子透入技術(reverse iontophoresis),將葡萄糖透過電滲流從皮膚中汲取出來,並加以量測。本文將對近十年上述之電化學CGM感測器的發展作介紹。
Glucose biosensors are one of the most successful biotechnical products, which are widely applied in the fi elds such as blood glucose detection, cellular activity estimation of bioreactor and beverage industry monitoring. Particularly, the blood glucose monitoring of diabetic patients is the most signifi cant application. Recently, continuous glucose monitoring(CGM) has been the mainstream trend in the development of glucose biosensors. Compared with the traditional self-monitoring of blood glucose, CGM can reduce the pain of sampling fi nger blood and supply a real time signal of blood glucose to doctors for diagnosis. The electrochemical CGM biosensors can be divided into two categories, invasive or non-invasive biosensors. Invasive CGM biosensors were fabricated as needle-type electrodes, which were inserted into subcutaneous tissue or vein for in vivo glucose monitoring. Non-invasive CGM biosensors were used to measure the glucose concentration of excreted body fl uid, such as urine, saliva and tear. Furthermore, the reverse iontophoresis technique was used to obtain the glucose-containing fl uid from skin by electroosmotic fl ow. This review aims to introduce the development of electrochemical CGM biosensors in past decade. |