教學實踐與創新 Journal of Teaching Practice and Pedagogical Innovation |
202303 (6:1期)期所有篇 |
- 導入業師線上協作之磨課師教學設計專題實作 Integrating Industrial Experts into a Project-Based Practical Course for Instructional Design Through Massive Open Online Courses
- 運用案例教學法提升師資生教育心理學概念學用連結及反思之行動研究 Facilitating Students’ Reflections and Linkages Between Theory and Practice Through an Educational Psychology Course
- 體驗式學習融入「遊程規劃與設計」課程之實踐與反思 Incorporating Experiential Learning in Tour Planning and Design: Practice and Reflections
- 戲劇融入家族治療教學之創新實踐與反思 Integration of Drama into Family Therapy Training for Beginners: Innovation and Reflections