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Incorporating Experiential Learning in Tour Planning and Design: Practice and Reflections
作者 陳麗如
In the author’s experience of teaching tour planning and design, the tour designs of students are often impractical because they have never visited the tour destination and thus have a shallow understanding of relevant attractions. Conventional teaching models often do emphasize the importance of continual plan implementation and revision. Thus, experiential learning and Kolb’s experiential learning cycle theory were incorporated into a course in the 2019 fall semester. Teaching activities, including team-based projects, destination scouting, field trips, role play, observational learning, and peer evaluation, were designed. These activities allowed students to learn by doing and bridged the gap between school education and practice. The qualitative reflections of 59 students in the early, middle, and final stages of the semester and their responses in midterm and end-term feedback surveys were collected. The data were supplemented by the author’s classroom observations and after-class reflections. The results of this study revealed that students’ learning outcomes were optimal when they learned through teamwork, field trips, observational learning, and peer evaluation. The interlocking course design provided students with multiple experiential learning cycles, deepened their understanding of the course content, bridged the gap between school education and practice, and enhanced their multi-learning outcomes. This study’s teaching methods and recommendations can serve as a reference for future studies and courses on tourism.
起訖頁 83-122
關鍵詞 體驗式學習遊程規劃與設計校外教學同儕互評experiential learningtour planning and designfield trippeer evaluation
刊名 教學實踐與創新  
期數 202303 (6:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 運用案例教學法提升師資生教育心理學概念學用連結及反思之行動研究
該期刊-下一篇 戲劇融入家族治療教學之創新實踐與反思




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