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Facilitating Students’ Reflections and Linkages Between Theory and Practice Through an Educational Psychology Course
作者 劉佩雲 (Liu, Pei-Yun)
A lack of reflection and a split between theory and practice are two common challenges in preservice teacher education programs. Research has shown that case methods can promote student reflections and link theory to practice. The participants of the present study comprised one instructor and 48 preservice teachers. An educational psychology course was conducted, and this course was proceeded by two cycles of action research that included instructional practice, reflections, and revisions. The researcher conducted questionnaire surveys and interviews, observed classrooms, assigned students classwork, and provided feedback to students. The instructor used self-reflection to explore the differences in the students’ linkage between theory and practice and their levels of reflection before and after the implementation of the case method, which provided guidance and scaffolding. The results indicated that the model of advance case preview, classroom discussion and review, and after-class assignments and reflection allows preservice teachers to improve their linkages between theory and practice. Moreover, peer case discussions, implicit thinking, and analytical case assignment rubrics can enhance preservice teachers’ self-reflection by enabling them to review blind spots in instruction. Combining case methods and action research allowed the instructor to reflect and develop professionally through problem awareness, instructional practice, reflection, and adjustment. The results of this study can be used to develop and verify quality instructional cases; conduct case discussions through guidance and scaffolding; conduct on-site practice; establish a suitable class structure and assessment rubrics to improve learning outcomes; and assess teachers, peers, and oneself.
起訖頁 43-81
關鍵詞 反思案例教學法教育心理學學用連結reflectioncase methodeducational psychologycombination of theory and practice
刊名 教學實踐與創新  
期數 202303 (6:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 導入業師線上協作之磨課師教學設計專題實作
該期刊-下一篇 體驗式學習融入「遊程規劃與設計」課程之實踐與反思




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