臺大社會工作學刊 NTU Social Work Review |
199905 (1期)期所有篇 |
- 論少年暴力行為與暴力環境之相關性 The Relationship between Violent Environment and Adolescent Violent Behaviors
- 全民健保各項改革議題評析--以德菲法專家意見調查為基礎 An Evaluation on the Proposed Plans For the National Health Insurance Reform - A Study Based on a Delphi Survey
- 社會價值與社會控制--以社會救助為例 Social Values and Social Control: The Case of Social Assistance in Taiwan
- 女性單親家庭的資產累積與世代傳遞過程 Assets Accumlation and Intergenerational Transmission among Female Headed Families
- 變調的兒童保護 Modulation of the Child Protection Movement in Taiwan
- 老人使用日間照護服務的決定過程:誰的需求?誰的決定? The Decision-Making Process of Day Care Service Utilization by Older People: Whose Needs? Whose Decision?
- 「增強力量」觀點之社會工作實務要素與處遇策略 Social Work Practice Elements and Intervention Strategies of Empowerment Perspective