政治科學論叢 Political Science Review |
202012 (86期)期所有篇 |
- 左右意識形態是否能分辨社群媒體上的民粹傳播模式?以德國2017年聯邦議會選舉兩位民粹政黨候選人的臉書貼文為例 Does the Left-Right Ideological Distinction Help Differentiate 'Populist' Communicative Patterns on Social Media? An Analysis of the Facebook Posts of Two 'Populist' Candidates in the 2017 German Federal Election
- 中國大陸民眾的民主評價差異與民主支持:民主示範效果與愛國/民族主義的調節作用 Differences of Democratic Quality Assessment and Popular Support for Democracy in China: The Democratic Demonstration Effect and the Attenuation Effects of Nationalism and Patriotism
- 族群政策的歷史起源:20世紀初泰國和菲律賓對南部穆斯林的政策比較 The Historical Origin of Ethnic Policy: A Comparative Study of Thailand's and the Philippines' Policies toward Southern Muslims in the Early 20th Century
- 臺灣行政法人制度推動歷程的歷史制度分析 A Historical Institutional Analysis of the Development of Non-Departmental Public Bodies in Taiwan
- 臺灣非營利組織參與政府災害防救之協力經驗 The Partnership Experience Between Non-Profit Organizations and the Government in Disaster Management
- 2018年臺北市長選舉策略投票之研究 Strategic Voting in the 2018 Taipei City Mayoral Election