政治科學論叢 Political Science Review |
201612 (70期)期所有篇 |
- 王夫之治理思想三論:以《老子衍》與《張子正蒙注》為核心 Three Theses of Wang Fu Chi's Philosophy on Ruling: Principally on the Analysis of Lao Tsu Yan and Commentary of Zhang Zai's Zheng Meng
- 歐洲國家監察制度獨立性的實證分析:兼論與民主品質的關係 Can Democracy Promote the Independence of the Ombudsman System? A Study of European Countries
- 從組閣爭議論我國憲政體制的定位與走向 Exploring the Positioning of Taiwan's Constitutional System in Terms of the Controversy over Cabinet Formation
- 解析跨大西洋貿易與投資夥伴協議(TTIP):理想與現實的可能矛盾 Exploration on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: Contradiction Between Ideal and Reality
- 中國文化與中國對外行為:「興滅繼絕」理念與朝鮮「壬辰倭亂」 Chinese Culture and China's Behavior: "Help the Weak and Aid the Needy" in Japanese Invasions of Korea 1592-1598