政治科學論叢 Political Science Review |
201512 (66期)期所有篇 |
- 羅爾斯論多元社會政治共識的證成 Rawls on the Justification of Political Consensus in a Pluralistic Society
- 自由主義式公民教育理念及其問題:以國家中立與多元文化論為分析焦點 Liberal Civic Education and Its Limits: A Critical Examination of State Neutrality and Multiculturalism
- 修憲實質界限是否可能?論Sieyès 1795年熱月演說中的憲政制度設計與制憲權學說的修正 Are Substantive Limitations on Constitutional Amendments possible? On the Constitutional System in the Thermidor-Speechs of Sieyés in 1795 and the Modification of His Own Theory of Pouvoir Constituant
- 制度因素與非制度因素對民主崩潰的影響:46個半總統制國家的經驗研究 The Impact of Institutional and Non-institutional Factors on Democratic Breakdowns: An Empirical Study of 46 Semi-Presidential Countries