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Liberal Civic Education and Its Limits: A Critical Examination of State Neutrality and Multiculturalism
作者 莊國銘
This paper explores the concept of civic education in liberal thought and identifies problems inherent in this concept with respect to state neutrality and multiculturalism. A product of the history of Western political thought, the liberal philosophy of civic education reflects Europe’s struggle with sectarian conflict and monarchical despotism. Modern liberals’ advocacy of state neutrality with respect to moral and ethical norms is rooted in this struggle. Liberal civic education attempts to cultivate a type of morality that favors no particular normative position, emphasizing the concepts of constitutional government, tolerance and human rights to resolve value-based conflict. This paper argues that the liberal notion of state neutrality is incapable of meeting challenges posed by contemporary ethnic political movements, particularly those involving power inequality among ethnic groups. Liberalism’s categorization of political vs. non-political culture and institutional vs. ethnic/religion-specific culture neglects the important function a standardized high culture serves in industrial society. The paper suggests the need for a further democratic dialogue amongst various ethnic groups regarding the content of civic education.
起訖頁 41-80
關鍵詞 自由主義公民教育國家中立「高級文化」多元文化論LiberalismCivic EducationState Neutrality"High Culture"Multiculturalism
刊名 政治科學論叢  
期數 201512 (66期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學政治學系
該期刊-上一篇 羅爾斯論多元社會政治共識的證成
該期刊-下一篇 修憲實質界限是否可能?論Sieyès 1795年熱月演說中的憲政制度設計與制憲權學說的修正




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