政治科學論叢 Political Science Review |
201306 (56期)期所有篇 |
- 用過核燃料之國際多邊化管控趨勢:兼論我國處理用過核燃料策略的契機 The Development of Multilateral Approaches to Spent Fuel and Opportunities for Taiwan's Spent Fuel Management Strategy
- 魯曼觀察理論與政治論述解讀 Niklas Luhmann's Theory of Observation and the Interpretation of Political Discourse
- 民主必然促進人權?東南亞人權保障之實證分析 Can Democracy Promote Human Rights?-An Empirical Analysis of Southeast Asia: 1981-2008
- 臺北市與高雄市住宅財產稅之比較:兼論兩市財稅努力之差異 A Comparison of Effective Property Tax Rates and Their Implications for Fiscal Effort in the Cities of Taipei and Kaohsiung