政治科學論叢 Political Science Review |
201109 (49期)期所有篇 |
- 建構都會多元中心的治理:反思都市發展不對稱與民主赤字問題 The Construction of Polycentric Urban Governance: Reflections on the Problems of Asymmetric Urban Development and Democracy Deficit
- 蘇轍《老子解》中的思想三論 Three Theses on the Philosophy of Ruling in Su Che’s Laozi Jie
- 國際關係實用建構主義理論的知識論分析 On the Epistemology of Pragmatic Constructivism in International Relations Theory: Its Origins, Character, Development and Challenges
- 非營利組織績效評量指標之建構
- 台灣婦運與世代價值差異 The Women’s Movement and Value Differences across Generations in Taiwan