東吳政治學報 Soochow Journal of Political Science |
202205 (40:1期)期所有篇 |
- 2020年總統選舉客家族群改投給蔡英文嗎?客庄與非客庄的分野 Did Hakka People Change Their Vote Toward Tsai Ing-wen in the 2020 Presidential Election? The Divide between Hakka and non-Hakka Communities
- 責任政治的思考──以鄒文海為核心的討論 The Idea of Responsible Government: On Zou Wen-Hai’s democratic thought and its implication
- 地面型太陽光電廠或鹽灘濕地的抉擇:以權變評價法分析七股鹽灘濕地的願付價格 Solar Farm or Salt Wetland? Applying a Contingent Valuation Method to Determine Willingness to Pay for Cigu’s Salt Pans