東吳政治學報 Soochow Journal of Political Science |
201509 (33:3期)期所有篇 |
- 新竹都會治理指標之合理性建構研究--德爾菲技術應用暨政策意涵分析 The Rational Formulation of Governance Indicators for the Hsinchu Metropolitan Area- An Analysis of the Application of the Delphi Technique and Policy
- 全球化與地緣政治下之法國都會治理 Urban Governance of France with a Globalization and Geopolitics Perspectives
- 保護責任的第一個十年:國際法規範調校中 The First Decade of R2P: Recalibrating the International Norm
- 美國在兩岸關係中的第三方影響:一個時間序列的分析途徑 The Role of the United States in Cross-Strait Relations: A Time Series Analysis Approach