東吳中文線上學術論文 Soochow Journal of Chinese literature online |
202212 (58期)期所有篇 |
- 由「之間」論莊子之用與不用 Discussion on Zhuang-Zi's 'Usefulness' and 'Uselessness' With The Consideration of The Idea 'Between'
- 夏侯湛〈東方朔畫贊並序〉之文體創變與自我投射 The Stylistic Innovation and Self-Projection of Dongfang-Shuo HuaZan of Xiahou-Zhan
- 劉逢祿《左氏春秋考證》解經術語及其解經方法探析 An Analysis of Liu Fenglu's Terminology and Interpretation of the Classics in his Zuoshi Chunqiu Kaozheng
- 躲藏的生命:論袁哲生《寂寞的遊戲》的孤絕書寫 Hiding Life: The Writings of Loneliness and Alienation in Yuan Zhe-Sheng's A Lonely Game