東吳中文線上學術論文 Soochow Journal of Chinese literature online |
202006 (50期)期所有篇 |
- 論「罔兩問景」之性別理論:兼以陳雪〈異色之屋〉為討論個案 The Gender Theory of 'Two Questions': Discussing Individual Cases with Chen Xue's House of Different Color
- 論《莊子》與《荀子》對「名」的思考-兼論對教育意義的啟發 Comparing the Thought of the Ming in the Zhuangzi and the Xunzi: Also on the inspiration of educational significance
- 論〈沒卵頭家〉的疾病書寫與敘事治療 Discussion on 'No Scrotum Boss' the Disease Writing and Narrative Therapy
- 電玩《金庸群俠傳》改編方式研究 Video game 'Heroes of Jin Young' adapted from a novel analysis