東吳中文線上學術論文 Soochow Journal of Chinese literature online |
202009 (51期)期所有篇 |
- 論《老子》中的「上士」、「中士」、「下士」境界問題 Investigation on the Content of ''Upper intellectual'', ''Middle intellectual'' and ''Lower intellectual'' in Lao-Zi Chapter 41 in terms of Jing-jie (Level of Vision)
- 「鯤鵬之化」中莊子逍遙境界的詮釋討論 Analysis of Zhuangzi's Ideological Significance in the Transformation of Xunpeng
- 無地方性與地方感:論王嘯平海外孤兒形象──以其晚期長篇小說《南洋悲歌》、《客自南洋來》及《和平歲月》為例 Placelessness and Sense of Place: Overseas Orphan Image on Wang Xiao Ping's Novels Nanyang Elegy, Guests come from Nanyang, and The Years of Peace
- 獻給戰爭的軀體──《獵女犯》士兵析論 The Body Dedicated to War-Analysis of Soldiers in The Captured Woman Prisoner