東吳中文線上學術論文 Soochow Journal of Chinese literature online |
201903 (45期)期所有篇 |
- 唐代大酺中的歌舞百戲文化 The Performance Culture in Dabu in Tang Dynasty
- 《皇極經世書.觀物外篇》之四時韻法試釋 Attempting to interpret Season Rhyme Method in Guan wu wai pian of Huang ji jing shi shu
- 張我軍《台灣民報》主編時期的文化場域活動 Cultural field activities of Chang, Wo-Chun's editorial period of Taiwan Min Bao
- 《后宮如懿傳》飲食書寫所展現之情節推演及意涵 The Plot Development and Meanings in the Dietetic Writing in Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace