東吳中文線上學術論文 Soochow Journal of Chinese literature online |
201809 (43期)期所有篇 |
- 文史和鳴:論董嗣杲《西湖百詠》中的「集體記憶」與「自我抒情」之書寫 Literature and history Sonata: Discuss how Dong Sigao depict collective memory and self-expression in “One Hundred Poems of Xihu”
- 以《西湖二集》與《西湖遊覽志餘》內容之重合——論蘇興「《西湖遊覽志餘》或為《西湖一集》」觀點之疑義 Finding the same content between《The second episode of West Lake》 and 《Notes on the West Lake》, to consider that Su Xing's thought–《Notes on the West Lake》may be《The first episode of West Lake》– may be wrong
- 王夫之《唐詩評選》儲光羲、韋應物五言古詩評論析探——兼比較李白、杜甫五古評論 Analysis of comment on Chu Guang-xi, Wei Ying-wu's five-character verse in Wang Fu-chih ” A Selection of Tang Poem”. –And compare comment on Li Bai, Du Fu's five-character verse.
- 中西文化衝突與融合的想像——李銳《張馬丁的第八天》 Cultural conflict and the imagination of cultural fusion–Li Rui's “Zhang Martin's eighth day”