東吳中文線上學術論文 Soochow Journal of Chinese literature online |
201503 (29期)期所有篇 |
- 「以身投爐」故事情節的煉身文化 The smelting body culture of the body jumping furnace plots
- 向子諲《酒邊詞》借鑒唐詩之研究 Xiang Ziyin’s Jiu bian ci and the Borrowing of Tang Poetry
- 儒將化的治水之神——試論元明小說戲曲對二郎神形象的再創造 Modifying a god of dredging riverbank and preventing flood into a Confucian scholar-general ─Re-creation of the Yuan and Ming fiction drama Erlangshen image
- 甘泉的心學 The study on Kan-Chuan’s philosophy of mind
- 從明清兩代唐詩選評看杜甫〈登岳陽樓〉的典範意義 Probation into the Canon Implication in Tu Fu’s Poem Ascending Yueyang Tower, in Ming and Qing Dynasty’s Tang Poem Selection
- 臺灣詩人黃純青之詩社活動 Taiwanese Poet Huang Chun-Qing's Poetry Club Activities