東吳中文線上學術論文 Soochow Journal of Chinese literature online |
201306 (22期)期所有篇 |
- 杜甫夔州〈雨〉詩十二首研究 Du Fu Kui zhou rain poem twelve research
- 敦煌變文〈茶酒論〉與唐代「三教論衡」的通俗化 The “transformed literature” of “Tea and Alcohol Discourse” and the popularization of the debate of three religions, the Confucianism, the Buddhism and the Taoism in Tang Dynasty
- 張炎對夢窗其人其詞的接受狀況 The acceptance of Meng Chuang and his Ci poetry for Zhang Yan
- 由敘事解析《兒女英雄傳》中「插話」之作用與意義 Analysis of functions and meaning of inserted remarks in the Story of Child Heroes in a narrative perspective
- 論丁玲早期小說的女性自覺 On Ding Ling's early novels by Women consciously
- 文學性與大眾性的辯證──關於文藝大眾化的幾場論爭 Dialectic between literality and popularity—The debates on popularization of literature
- 論施明正〈渴死者〉中的政治控訴 Political indictment of Shih Ming-Ching’s “thirst”