東吳中文線上學術論文 Soochow Journal of Chinese literature online |
201003 (9期)期所有篇 |
- 由戲劇情節地圖看李玉「一、人、永、占」劇本的地理空間呈現 A Study on the Spatial Presentation in Li Yu’s Plays through the Map Tracking of Plots: Yipengxue, Renshouguan, Yongtuanyuan, Zhanhuakui
- 李商隱上令狐相公七狀探微 Discuss the subtle secret special of ''Shang Ling Hu Shiang Gung Juang'' to Li Shang Yin
- 公安三袁思想受焦竑影響及異同探析 San Yuan’s theory influence on Chiao Hung and the analysis of its difference
- 哲學家史作檉詩文探析 A Study of the Philosopher SHIH, Tso-Cheng's Poetry