東吳中文線上學術論文 Soochow Journal of Chinese literature online |
200909 (7期)期所有篇 |
- 詞學研究方法和文學理論的思考──以胡適劉若愚為例 Lyrics Research Methodology and Literary Theory: Using Hu Shih and James J.Y. Liu as an Example
- 試論張金吾《愛日精廬藏書志》及其著錄版本之特色 Try to research in Zhang-Jin-Wu’s the writing of the Ai-Ri-Jing-Lu and his feature of Arrangement edition
- 臺灣婚俗「回門」儀式淵源探微 Research on the Origin of the ritual“returing home”of Marital Customs (回門) in Taiwan
- 噶瑪蘭族的遷徙傳說試探 A Pilot Study on The Migration Legend of Kavalan