東吳中文線上學術論文 Soochow Journal of Chinese literature online |
200809 (3期)期所有篇 |
- 先秦至漢「慎獨」觀念的發展──兼論郭店楚簡《五行》「慎獨」的解釋 Aspects of the Development of the Conception of“Shen Du”from Warring States Period to Western Han ─further explanation about the shen du”(慎獨)in “Wu Xing”(五行) in the Chu Bamboo Manuscripts of Guodian
- 北朝民歌人物形象析述 Analysis and description of the images of North Dynasty ballads’ characters
- 唐五代歌妓與《花間》婉約詞風之形成 Song Prostitute of the Tang and Five Dynasty And “Hua Jian Anthology” To Form Graceful lyric’s style
- 從《古今譚概‧微詞部‧寓言》談馮夢龍的寓言概念 Feng Menglong’s Conception of Fables in A Chat about the Present and the Past
- 彭紹升之「慈善志業」初探 A Study of Peng Shao-Sheng’s Charity