屏東科大體育學刊 Journal of NPUST Physcial Education |
202209 (17期)期所有篇 |
- 體育課學生在排球比賽規則及對空低手擊球之學習成效──以運動教育模式為例 Learning efficiencies on the volleyball rules and low-hands hitting of collegial students with Sport Education Model in the physical education class
- 音樂介入運動訓練對身體組成之影響 The Influence of music and training Intervention on inbody
- 定量化拔罐治療於棒球運動員肩背部疲勞恢復之影響評估 Evaluation quantitative cupping treatment of recover of shoulder fatigue on baseball players
- 困境與突破~田徑選手的情境焦慮、因應策略與心理韌性之研究 Dilemma and breakthrough ~ Research on Situational Anxiety, Coping Strategies and Resilience in Track and Field Athletes' Professional Training