台灣地區外來種緬甸小鼠的族群遺傳結構與生物地理起源 Genetic Patterns and Biogeographic Origins of the Exotic Rodent (Rattus exulans) in Taiwan
台灣中部中高海拔山區道路邊緣灰林鴞(Strix aluco)食性研究 The Diet of Tawny Owls (Strix aluco) Analyzed by Their Pellets on Roadsides in Mountain Areas of the Central Taiwan
棕扇尾鶯與褐頭鷦鶯在農田中繁殖生態之比較 Comparison of Breeding Ecology of Zitting Cisticola (Cisticola juncidis) and Tawny-Flanked Prinia (Prinia subflava) in the Rice Paddy
都市棲地之蝶相暨蜜源植物研究--以台中市景賢生態公園為例 Butterfly Fauna and Nectar Plants at the Chinghsien Ecological Park, Taichung City, Central Taiwan
九二一地震後九九峰地區先驅樹種內生菌根菌調查研究 Vesicular-arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (VAMF) Symbiotic with Pioneer Plants at Mt. Jiujiufong after the 921 Earthquakes
比較三種無性繁殖法對烏心石舅發根之差異 A Comparison of Three Agamic Methods on Rooting of Magnolia kachirachirai Seedling Plants