中文摘要 |
九二一地震造成九九峰地區嚴重山崩,形成極為特殊之地理景觀,多處崩塌跡地植群重新進行演替。本研究藉由調查演替初期先驅樹種根系之內生菌根菌,以了解這群與植物關係極為密切之土壤微生物的變化。研究中發現土壤條件較差之稜線樣區較崖下樣區有較高的菌根菌多樣性。初期內生菌根菌的種類及土壤中孢子數皆較多,然而隨著植群演替的進行有逐漸下降的趨勢,後期台灣二葉松成為稜線上的優勢種,並於其根系土壤發現大量的Scutellospora nigra孢子。
Mt. Jiujiufong experienced a series of extensive landslides after the 921 Earthquake occurred on September 21, 1999. A unique geographic feature and active plant succession have been observed at several landslide locations. This study found that the soil condition was worse but the species diversity of VAMF was higher at the study plots of the crest line than those at the valley. Numbers of VAMF species and their spores decreased progressively with decreasing in the pioneer plants during the study period. Eventually, Pinus taiwanensis became the predominant pioneer plant in the crest line, and VAMF's Scutellospora nigra spores were found in its rhizosphere. |