200401 (6:1期)期所有篇 |
- 台灣東北部卯澳灣海域之海膽生物多樣性研究 Biodiversity of Sea Urchins in the Maoaw Bay of the Northeastern Taiwan
- 以微隨體DNA研究粗首(Zacco pachycephalus)的保育遺傳 Conservation Genetics of Zacco pachycephalus by Microsatellite DNA Locus Analyses
- 合歡山區泰雅晏蜓卵期與稚蟲期之發育 Egg and Larval Developments of the Taiyal Darner Aeshna petalura taiyal Asahina (Odonata, Aeshnidae) at the Mt. Hohuan
- 台灣中部蛙類與蟾蜍在時間分布、空間偏好 Altitudinal Differences in Temporal Distribution, Spatial Preference and Timing of Breeding Climax of Frogs and Toads in the Central Taiwan
- 台灣東部秀姑巒溪民多羅龍口蛇鰻 The Mindoro Snake Eel Lamnostoma mindorum (Jordan and Richardson) of the Hsiukuluan River in the Eastern Taiwan
- 利用掃瞄式電子顯微鏡(SEM)技術觀察台灣產10種碗蕨科孢子形態 A Morphological Study on Spores of 10 Species of Dennstaedtiaceae from Taiwan with Scanning Electron Microscopy Technique
- 台灣新歸化菊科(Asteraceae)裸穗豬草 Ambrosia psilostachya DC. (Asteraceae) a Newly Naturalized Plant in Taiwan