中文摘要 |
Spores of 10 species in five genera of the family Dennstaedtiaceae were examined, using thescanning electronic microscopy (SEM) technique. The fine structure of the spores was found to be auseful diagnostic character for the generic and specific distinction for Dennstaedtiaceae. Spores of thegenera Hypolepis and Histiopteris are monolete and the two genera are distinguishable by difference intheir perispore grains types, while those of the genera Monachosorum, Dennstaedtia, and Microlepia aretrilete, and the three genera are distinguishable by their exine grain types. For distinction of congenericspecies, fissure margos of spores is a useful character for distinguishing two species of Hypolepis: H.punctata (Thunb.) Mett. and H. tenuifolia (Forst.) Bernh., the exine grains for two species ofDennstaedtia: D. scabra (Wall.) Moore and D. hirsuta (Sw.) Mett. ex Miq., and thickness and grains forfour species of Microlepia: M. hookeriana (Wall.) Presl, M. speluncae (L.) Moore, M. strigosa (Thunb.)Presl, and M. substrigosa Tagawa. |