中文摘要 |
泰雅晏蜓(Aeshna petalura taiyal Asahina)為台灣特有亞種,廣泛分布於1,500m以上高山地區。稚蟲棲地高山湖沼受到人為開發、水質污染與魚類放生干擾,族群現況頗受關注,故於1997-2000年對合歡山區泰雅晏蜓卵期與稚蟲期之發育進行研究。結果顯示雌蜓於夏末產卵,卵以發育遲緩現象越冬後於翌年春季孵化,卵期接近10個月。稚蟲期世代數隨二樣區之不同,各為1年1代或2年1代。由於泰雅晏蜓卵與稚蟲期相當長且利用棲地包括水域與週邊陸域,相當容易受人為活動干擾影響,故整體湖沼的保護仍是泰雅晏蜓保育之重要關鍵。
The Taiyal darner Aeshna petalura taiyal Asahina, 1938 is an endemic subspecies of dragonfly in Taiwan. It occurs widely in the mountain areas above 1,500m in elevation. Its larval habitat has been adversely affected by human activities, such as pond construction, water pollution, and fish releasing. This study was conducted between 1997-2000 to study egg and larval developments of the Taiyal darner in the Mt. Hohuan area. The results showed that the period of egg stage was about ten months. Eggs were laid at the end of summer, overwintered in a diapause condition, and hatched in the following spring. The larval voltinism showed univoltine or semivoltine at the two different sampling sites of the study area. The egg and larval stages were fairly long, and its habitat consisted of both aquatic and terrestrial environments, easily disturbed by human activities. For conservation of the Taiyal darner, it is recommended to protect whole lake and its adjacent environments. |