設計學研究 Journal of Design Science |
202207 (25:1期)期所有篇 |
- 從創作者角度探討:「逐頁」與「條狀」漫畫之創作思維與環境轉化研究 The Transformations of Creative Thinking and Environment of Page-by-Page Comics and Scrolling Comics: From the Perspective of Comic Creators
- 上海國際青年社區的社會想像與創意人才治理 The Social Imaginaries and Governance of the Creative Class in Shanghai International Youth Community
- 年輕族群對金門僑鄉推廣數位平台的偏好與需求 Discovering the Young's Preference and Requirements to the Kinmen Overseas Chinese' Hometown Promoting Website
- 協同教學及實作工作坊併行授課之跨領域課程學習成效 An Investigation in Cross-Disciplinary Learning Effectiveness Based upon Collaborative Teaching and Workshop
- 平面類展品與觀眾互動之展示手法及案例分析:以國立臺灣歷史博物館「鉅變一八九五.臺灣乙未之役120週年特展」及「地圖很有事:地圖的臺灣史特展」為例 Display Methods on Interactions between Museum Visitors and Document Exhibits A Case Study on Two Special Exhibitions of NMTH, Transformations in 1895: 120 Years After the Japanese Conquest of Taiwan and Something about Map: Taiwan History in Map