設計學研究 Journal of Design Science |
201812 (21:2期)期所有篇 |
- 從樂齡族群觀點探討南屯老街之魅力因子 The Attractive Factors of Nantun Old Street from the Viewpoints of the Elderly
- 透過系統性回顧文獻探討大陸既有建築之綠色改造 Through the Review of Systematic Literature Explore Green Retrofitting of Chinese Mainland Existing Buildings
- 台灣現代藝術發展啟蒙者──顧獻樑研究之初探 The Research of Hsien-Liang Koo's Enlightenment of Modern Art in Taiwan
- 景觀與健康研究:環境經驗視角 Landscape and Health Research: Environmental Experience Perspectives
- 企業雜誌建構之理想家庭生活與主婦認同 On the Enterprise Magazine Construction: The Ideal Family Life and the Housewife Identity
- 學習效果與生活滿意度對社群網路使用動機與自我揭露之初探 Motivation and Self-disclosure on SNSs: Learning Effect and Life Satisfaction