202206 (37期)期所有篇 |
- 明清宮廷演劇的文本世界 Textual Worlds of Court Theater in Late Imperial China
- 方外中的世俗:論《高僧傳》中潛藏的世俗接納 Secularism in Monastic Life: Implicit Acceptance of Secularism in The Biographies of Eminent Monks
- 隱藏的僧傳──《續高僧傳》中道宣的五十自敘 A Hidden Biography of a Buddhist Monk: Daoxuan's Self-Narration at Fifty in the Continued Biography of Eminent Monks
- 曾緘〈布達拉宮辭〉創作始末及其對倉央嘉措之人物形塑 On Zeng Jian's Creation of "Bu Da La Gong Ci" and his Fashioning of Tsangyang Gyatso's Literary Image
- 《尚書.洛誥》、〈令方彞〉「明保」問題再議 Rethinking the issue of "Ming Bao" in "Luogao" of the Book of Historical Documents and inscriptions on the "Ling Fangyi"
- 中國古代禮樂傳統與文化定向:以祭祀為論述視角 Ancient Chinese Traditions of Ritual and Music and Cultural Orientation: From the Perspective of Sacrificial Rites
- 對應與共振--唐代小說音樂書寫的兩個面向 Correspondence and Resonance: Two Aspects of Music Writing in Fiction of the Tang Dynasty
- 體察與思考:《四書大全》中的輔廣 Investigation and Thinking: Fu Guang in the Encyclopedia of the Four Books (Sishu daquan)