202006 (33期)期所有篇 |
- 從身體與世界的互動論漢字結構──梅洛龐蒂與胡塞爾現象學對漢字研究的啟示 Body-World Correlation and the Structure of the Chinese Script: Lessons from the phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty and Husserl
- 文論、樂府詩與賦得體──六朝「文章辭賦化」的三個側面 Literary Theory, Yuefu Poetry, and the ''Fude'' Style: Three Perspectives on the ''Cifu Hua'' Phenomenon in the Six Dynasties
- 「萬事儘紛綸,吾道一以貫」:朱熹與張栻交誼及義理思考 'All Things Are Chaotic, But There Is One Single Thread Binding My Way Together'': Zhu Xi and Zhang Shi's Friendship and Thoughts on Ordinance
- 論趙采《周易程朱傳義折衷》折衷程、朱《易》及治《易》特色 A Study on Zhao Cai's Eclectic Interpretation of Cheng-Zhu's Understanding of the Yijing and Characteristics of Zhouyi Chengzhu Chuanyi Zhezhong
- 李道純內丹集團的儀式、口傳活動與文本編纂──以《清庵瑩蟾子語錄》為核心 The Rituals, Oral Instructions and Text Compilation of Li Daochun's Inner Alchemy Community: A Preliminary Study of the Recorded Sayings of Qing'an, Master of the Shining Toad
- 八大山人〈孔雀竹石圖〉釋疑 A Probe into and Clarification of Doubts about the ''Peacock with Bamboo Stone Painting'' of Bada Shanren
- 傳抄古文「一」、「上」、「示」部疏證二十七則 A Study on Twenty-Seven Items with Radicals of ''Yi'', ''Shang'' and ''Shi'' from Transcription of Ancient Chinese Characters
- 《清華六•鄭武夫人規孺子》札記 Research on the Tsinghua Bamboo Slips VI, Madam Wu-Jiang Plans for Her Son