201812 (30期)期所有篇 |
- 語言和生命時程 Language and Life Timelines
- 公理與直覺:梁宗岱詩學理論評析 Axiom and Intuition: Liang Zong-dai's Theory of Poetry
- 內質與外形──論梁宗岱的「商籟」及其詩學意義 Nature and Form: Liang Zongdai's Sonnets and Their Significance for Poetics
- 走內線的路──梁宗岱的體驗批評 Taking the Internal Route: Liang Zongdai's Experimental Criticism
- 從古文詞章學論戴震的《屈原賦注》 On Dai Zhen's Commentary of Qu Yuan's Fu Poem from the Aspect of Ancient Prose Writing Techniques Studies
- 以詩解《詩》──《管錐編.毛詩正義》的詮釋立場、實踐與意義 Interpretation of the Book of Songs (Shijing) with Poetics: the Hermeneutical Standpoint, Practice and Significance of Qian Zhongshu's Limited Views: The Rectified Interpretation of Mao's Book of Songs
- 詩與史:論蕭紅《呼蘭河傳》與駱賓基《混沌初開》的鄉土書寫與社會記憶 Poetry and History: An Analysis of the Nativist Writing and the Social Memories in Tales of Hulan River by Xiao Hong and The Beginning by Luo Binji
- 缺席及錯置的作品:從郭松棻的〈寫作〉到〈論寫作〉 Work Absent and Displaced: From Guo Songfen's "Writing" to "About writing"