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Poetry and History: An Analysis of the Nativist Writing and the Social Memories in Tales of Hulan River by Xiao Hong and The Beginning by Luo Binji
作者 蘇敏逸
將蕭紅的《呼蘭河傳》與駱賓基的《混沌初開》並置對讀,可以發現幾個新的觀察視點:首先,「九一八事變」之後,東北即淪為日本殖民地,東北作家因此比中國其它地方的作家更早面對鄉土的失落和流亡的命運。無法歸鄉的流亡命運及伴隨而來的「思鄉」、「懷鄉」甚或「懷舊」情緒,以及由此情緒延展開來的「回憶」行為與文學活動,可以說是東北作家共同的生命記憶與社會記憶。其次,他們通過「回憶」的文學活動,建構一套敘述個人與鄉土歷史的方法,並在其中暗含著個人的生命觀與世界觀。第三,儘管蕭紅與駱賓基同樣通過「回憶」的文學活動來記錄個人生命與建構鄉土世界,也同樣運用兒童視角與童稚話語,但因為作家秉性、成長經驗和生命感覺的差異,兩位作家呈現截然不同的鄉土空間與文學特質。本論文將透過《呼蘭河傳》與《混沌初開》的對讀比較,論析兩部作品鄉土書寫與社會記憶的異同。 This paper compares and contrasts Tales of Hulan River by Xiao Hong and The Beginning by Luo Binji. The analysis reveals several new perspectives. First, Manchuria became a Japanese colony after the Mukden Incident. Thus, the northeastern writers were the first to experience the loss of their native place and the fate of going into exile. Life in exile and the accompanying emotions of "homesickness," "nostalgia" and even "cherishing the past," as well as the resulting effect of "reminiscence" and related literary activities, were the common life and societal memories of the northeastern writers. Second, through the literary activities of "reminiscing," they developed a set of approaches to describe the history of individuals and native places, with their views on life and the world embedded therein. Third, although Xiao Hong and Luo Binji both recorded their personal lives and constructed the world of their native places through the literary activities of "reminiscing," and both adopted children's perspectives and language, due to their differences in temperament, life experiences, and feelings toward life, the two writers were entirely different in how they portrayed their native places and their literary characteristics. This paper compares and contrasts Tales of Hulan River and The Beginning, in order to gain an understanding of the similarities and differences in the nativist writing and the social memories between these two works.
起訖頁 217-247
關鍵詞 蕭紅駱賓基《呼蘭河傳》《混沌初開》鄉土Xiao HongLuo BinjiTales of Hulan RiverThe BeginningNative Place
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 201812 (30期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 以詩解《詩》──《管錐編.毛詩正義》的詮釋立場、實踐與意義
該期刊-下一篇 缺席及錯置的作品:從郭松棻的〈寫作〉到〈論寫作〉




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