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Axiom and Intuition: Liang Zong-dai's Theory of Poetry
作者 鄭毓瑜
本文由梁宗岱對於梵樂希(Paul Valéry)詩說的詮釋與回應談起,面對梵樂希這樣一位熟諳數理科學的詩人,數理科學如何介入「詩」的思維,或者說「詩」如何挪借數理思維,無疑是梁宗岱與梵樂希之間潛藏的深層對話。尤其面對講究精準如科學公理的梵樂希詩說,梁宗岱屢屢援引哥德(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)與普恩迦赫(Jules Henri Poincaré)關於「自然」或「直覺」的觀點,並交織傳統詩學的物/我關係,將「詩論」提升到「宇宙論」的層次,而重新發現「宇宙詩學」的現代意義。 This essay aims to analyze Liang Zong-dai's interpretation and response to Paul Valéry's "mechanics of poetry." As Valéry is familiar with mathematics, there is a space for dialogue between the two poets about the role of scientific thinking in Valéry's poetry and how he enriches his poetic expression with scientific concepts. To highlight Valéry's stress on precision, which is also a trait of scientific laws, Liang seeks support from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's and Jules Henri Poincaré's interpretations on "nature" and "intuition," and interweaves them with the subject/object relationship and the concept of "universe" in traditional Chinese poetics. By connecting poetics and cosmism, Liang has illuminated the meaning of "cosmological poetics" for a modern context.
起訖頁 41-70
關鍵詞 梁宗岱梵樂希普恩迦赫公理(定律)直覺Liang Zong-daiPaul ValéryJules Henri Poincaréaxiomintuition
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 201812 (30期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 語言和生命時程
該期刊-下一篇 內質與外形──論梁宗岱的「商籟」及其詩學意義




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