201712 (28 期)期所有篇 |
- 題寫名勝:從黃鶴樓到鳳凰臺 Writing on Landmarks: From Yellow Crane Tower to Phoenix Terrace
- 被隱蔽的文學想像?──以明代粵西筆記《赤雅》的知識傳述與書寫型態為討論核心 Shrouded Literary Imagination? – A Study Based on the Knowledge Transmission Records and the Writing Modes of the Chi-Ya
- 文物之光下的話語建構與不朽追求──論翁方綱的金石詩 The Luster of Cultural Relics and the Immortal Pursuit: A Study of the Jinshi Poems by Weng Fanggang
- 周作人「博物」論述中的《花鏡》 Hua Jing (Floral Mirror) as discussed in Zhou Zuo-ren's “Naturalist Discourses”
- 「下學上達」與「仁義內在」 Value Consciousness in Confucianism: “Xiàxué Shàngdá” and “Rényì Nèizài”
- 《周易圖》圖式所見之卦變思想析論 An Analysis on Gua-bian Theories Reflected by the Yi-Diagrams in Zhouyitu
- 藏「道統」於東國──韓元震《朱子言論同異考》有關四書討論之分析 “Succession to the Way (Daotong)” in Joseon, the East State: How Han Yuanzhen Discusses the Four Books in Survey on the Sameness and Differences of Zhu Xi's Discourses (Zhuzi yanlun tongyikao)
- 「以其能觀也」迄於「文化託命之人」──論王國維的悲劇洞見 From Literary Aestheticism to Cultural ethics: On Tragic insight of Wang Guo-weia