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An Analysis on Gua-bian Theories Reflected by the Yi-Diagrams in Zhouyitu
作者 陳睿宏
Zhouyitu is a wide collection of Yi-diagrams. Behind the mechanical structures of Yi-diagrams, a rich and profound philosophy is worthy of exploration and analysis. It is a common practice for Yi philosophers in Song Dynasty to formulate Gua-bian theories through different diagram patterns, and then focus on the development of arguments based on their views of Gua-bian. And Zhouyitu is no exception. Thus the present study focuses mainly on the investigation of Yi-diagrams related to Gua-bian in Zhouyitu. Gua-bian Tu-shuo collected in Zhouyitu include: “Xu-gua-tu,” “Ba-gua-tui-64-gua-tu,” “Qian-kunjiao- cheng-64-gua-tu,” “Ba-gua-sheng-64-gua-tu,” “Li-shi-6-gua-sheng-64-gua,” “Qian-kun-da-fu-mu-tu,” “Fu-gou-xiao-fu-mu-tu,” “Ba-gua-si-hua-tu,” “Shi-youba- bian-cheng-gua-tu.” By examining the relevant diagrams, this paper aims to provide a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the major patterns of Gua-bian theories, clarify the significance of the development of Yi Tu-shuo in Song Dynasty, and establish the potential inheritance relationships among these diagrams.
起訖頁 201-246
關鍵詞 《周易圖》《大易象數鈎深圖》圖書易學宋易卦變ZhouyituDayi xiangshu goushentuTu-shuSong YiGua-bian
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 201712 (28期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 「下學上達」與「仁義內在」
該期刊-下一篇 藏「道統」於東國──韓元震《朱子言論同異考》有關四書討論之分析




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