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“Succession to the Way (Daotong)” in Joseon, the East State: How Han Yuanzhen Discusses the Four Books in Survey on the Sameness and Differences of Zhu Xi's Discourses (Zhuzi yanlun tongyikao)
作者 陳逢源
Han Yuanzhen (1682-1751), an outstanding scholar of Ligu School, learns “principle (li)” from “material-force (qi),” and discusses “mind (xin)” based on “principle.” He has a clear theoretical standpoint, his argument with his fellow, Li Jian (1677-1727), is recorded in “Sameness or Differences between Human Nature and Animal Nature.” Their arguments are known as Huluo Debate, an important academic discussion in Korea. Through his studies on Confucianism, annotations of classics and historical texts, Han composes Survey on the Sameness and Differences of Zhu Xi's Discourses (Zhuzi yanlun tongyikao). There are six volumes and thirty-nine categories in this book, which also includes Questions on Annotations of Analects of Confucius and Mencius (Lunmeng jizhu huowen). Since the doctrine of Zhu Xi covers an extensive range of knowledge, in this paper I mainly focus on the Four Books in order to analyze how Han Yuanzhen discusses Zhu Xi through Zhu's letters, dicta, and annotations on classics. Zhu Xi's academic achievement and lifelong thinking process will be further clarified through the studies of Han, who examines Zhu's ideas with Zhu's own texts, and even quotes Zhu's words to compare with Lu Jiuyuan's texts. These studies help readers to understand more about Zhu Xi's thoughts among studies which distinguish between Philosophy of Principle (lixue) and Philosophy of Mind (xinxue), as well as Han School and Song School. And this further establishes the studies of Zhu Xi in Korea.
起訖頁 247-280
關鍵詞 韓元震《朱子言論同異考》朱熹《四書》朝鮮儒學Han YuanzhenSurvey on the Sameness and Differences of Zhu Xi's Discourses (Zhuzi yanlun tongyikao)Zhu XiFour BooksConfucianism in Korea
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 201712 (28期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 《周易圖》圖式所見之卦變思想析論
該期刊-下一篇 「以其能觀也」迄於「文化託命之人」──論王國維的悲劇洞見




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