200706 (7期)期所有篇 |
- 唐代新樂府之發展關鍵──李白開創之功與杜甫、元結之雙線開展 The Key Factor of the Development of Xin Yue-Fu Poetry in Tang Dynasty ─ Li Bo’s Creativity and Du Fu and Yuan Jie’s Two-Track Development
- 王安石學派「引《莊》解《老》」探析 The Exploratory Analysis of “Citing Zhuangzi to interpret Laozi” in Wang An-shi School
- 熊十力思想「最後定論」論 Hsiung Shih-li’s Conceptualism of Final Conclusion
- 愛羅先珂與魯迅1922年的思想轉變──兼論〈端午節〉及其他作品 V. Eroshenko and Lu Xun’s Intellectual Transformation in 1922
- 論趙樹理的民間文學觀 Discussion on the Folk Literature Perspective of Shu-li Chao
- 《山海經》的海與海神神話研究 The Myth of the Sea and the Sea-Gods in Shanhaijing
- 三十年目睹之怪現狀:汪曾祺新中國小說中的歷史敘事與人物群像 The Witness of Weird Phenomenon in 30 Years: The Historical Narration and People’s Portraits among Wang, Tzeng-Chi’s The Chinese Novels in New Time