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Hsiung Shih-li’s Conceptualism of Final Conclusion
作者 林世榮
In Hsin Wei Shih Lun, Hsiung Shih-li presents the theory of “unity in essence and action” which has its own significance and undeniable value; however, the argument between Confucianism and Buddhism caused by this theory and Hsiung’s modification of his original ideas reveal that there is a need for reexamination on it. Although his later works, such as Yuan Ju, T’i Yung Lun, Ming Hsin P’ien and Ch’ien K’un Yen still develop the spirit of this theory, the study of Buddhism has embodied in them deeply. Especially in Ch’ien K’un Yen which is purely elaborated from “Tuan Juan”of Ch’ien and K’un, it is perceivable that the theory of “unity in essence and action” can still be discussed without referring to the study of Buddhism. Hsiung also confessed that although Ch’ien K’un Yen was written while he was seriously ill, he was at ease with various thoughts thinking, “This is a year of bad luck.” Therefore, when it comes to the final conclusion of Hsiung’s concepts in his later years or even through his lifetime, Ch’ien K’un Yen would certainly be the central idea to focus on.
起訖頁 115-152
關鍵詞 體用不二最後定論《乾坤衍》Unity in essence and actionFinal conclusionCh’ien K’un Yen
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 200706 (7期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 王安石學派「引《莊》解《老》」探析
該期刊-下一篇 愛羅先珂與魯迅1922年的思想轉變──兼論〈端午節〉及其他作品




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