200506 (3期)期所有篇 |
- 《恒先》與老子 Heng xian and Lao Zi
- 中國古代「變化」觀念之演變暨其思想意義 The Evolutionary Development of the Concepts of Change (變 bian) and Transformation (化 hua) in Early Chinese Thought
- 譯阿含廣律中佛陀成道歷程「禪定與神通」的敘事分析 The Meditation and Supernormal Power - An Analysis on Historical Buddha's enlightened progress in accordance with Agama and Vinaya Pitaka
- 再論杜詩中的鷙鳥象徵 On the Falcon as a Symbol In Tu Fu's Poetry
- 朱熹《四書章句集注》徵引書目輯考 To exam and summary the “references” for “The Four books selected sentences” edit by Chu His
- 論《許三觀賣血記》的文學質素 On the literary elements of《Xu Sanguan's Record of Selling Blood》
- 曾子與郭店儒簡的身體哲學探究 The Investigation on Body in the documents of Zengzi and the Confucian manuscripts in Guoden